The Radical Film Network

 The Radical Film Network (RFN) was set-up in 2013 in recognition of the growth of organisations and individuals using moving image media as part of the broader struggle for a more equal, just and sustainable society.

Given the diverse but usually overtly political nature of their work, the majority of these groups are unfunded and thus precarious, with little time to find out about other groups – locally or internationally – coordinate with one another to share resources and best practice, or to find out about the radical film histories of which they are the living incarnation. The RFN is an attempt to facilitate communication and collaboration among this diverse community, to raise awareness of the different organisations that exist, and ultimately help to promote the visibility and sustainability of radical film culture around the world.

Dr Steve Presence is the convener of the network and Principal Investigator on the AHRC-funded International Research Networking Scheme project run in association with it: ‘Sustaining Alternative Film Cultures’.

More information about the RFN is available at its website: