Parietal Games: Critical Writings by and on M. John Harrison

M. John Harrison is best known for his space operas, The Centauri Device and Light, the Viriconium sequence, The Pastel City, A Storm of Wings, In Viriconium and Viriconium Nights and his award-winning non-science-fiction novel, Climbers.

But he has also had a parallel career as a critic, both for specialist science-fiction venues such as Foundation, Speculation and New Worlds – for the latter he was also the literary editor – and mainstream publications such as The Guardian, The Times Literary Supplement and The Spectator. Over four decades he has reviewed novels by authors as diverse as Anne McCaffrey, Kim Stanley Robinson, William Burroughs, John Updike and Joanna Trollope. Parietal Games collects Harrison’s critical writings for the first time and reveals him as an insightful and trenchant voice inside and outside science fiction.

This volume also contains articles about Harrison’s oeuvre, from Mark Bould, John Clute, Rjurik Davidson, Graham Fraser, Nick Freeman, Elizabeth Hand, Rob Latham, Farah Mendlesohn and Graham Sleight.