Abigail Davies

Position: Associate Director – Photography

School: Arts, College of Arts, Technology and Environment (CATE)

Qualifications: BA (Hons) Drama, PG Dip Radio and Television Production, PG Cert HE Teaching, PG Cert Counselling

About me

Abigail Davies joined UWE in 2008 to teach screenwriting and video production, after working in film and television for 25 years.

Abigail started her career in factual TV working first as a researcher on network production and then as a producer and director for the regional ITV schedule. Highlights included arts and culture series for Channel4 with presenters such as Sir Roy Strong, Christopher Frayling and George Melly and an award winning documentary film on Don McCullin, the veteran war photographer.

Between 1998 and 2002, Abigail was Commissioning Editor, Arts, Documentary and Drama for HTV West, the ITV regional broadcaster where she in charge of 40 hours of production annually aimed atdeveloping new indie talent in the region.  As well as mentoring 70 new documentary makers, she commissioned Western Lights and the South West Production Fund, two drama production schemes for 40 first time writers and directors. Alongside, she developed a slate of network drama projects including Just Desserts, which was nominated for an RTS Award in 2001.​ As a freelancer, she script edited two seasons of C4’s drama production scheme Coming Up as well as producing a wide range of film shorts for the UK Film Council.

Abigail continues to work professionally in film and television.  She is regular script editor to writers Martin Brennan and Michael B. Jackson on their slate of fantasy action films with funding from Northern Irish Screen. Recently, she script edited and executive produced Life Out There, for VS1 Productions. This half-hour TV drama directed by David Ellington was commissioned by the British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust, Film4 and The Community Channel .  It won Best Director at Milan’s Cinema of the Deaf, Best Actor and Best DOP at the Tolosa International Film Festival in Sign Language in Spain and Best Newcomer Award at the 2013 RTS South West Region Awards. Abigail has just completed script editingBeginning in D by veteran screenwriter, Hugh Stoddart.

Area of expertise

Screenwriting, documentary production, fiction film production